08 October 2009

36 reasons to celebrate james

Today is my Beloved's birthday and so I thought it would be fun to come up with a reason for every year of his life why I adore the sweet man I call my husband. The list ranges in reasons from silly and superficial to deeply serious, and are the first things that came to mind at the time I was writing it.

I wish I could take credit for this idea, but I cannot: the idea came from a Facebook friend of mine who did the same for her husband on his birthday. It was difficult to limit myself to just 36 reasons, but (Lord-willing) I will have many years ahead in which to add others.

Or maybe next time, I will come up with 10 reasons for each year of his life ...

james-polaroids #1
James Polaroids, ca. 2002
Canon 40D

Reasons to celebrate James:

Because he first loved me.
He calls me his “sweet one”.
He does the dishes and cleans the bathroom.
My lips are the only ones he’s kissed.
His shaven cheeks are soft and sweet.
He maintains high ideals, even when it seems crazy to do so.
He is unashamed of the gospel.
He cares deeply about knowing the Truth, and living accordingly (even when it hurts like hell).
He’s serious.
He’s hilarious and silly.
He’s just the right amount of nerdy.
He’s generous.
He picks up homeless people, gives them a good meal, and sits and talks to them about Jesus.
He can quote Shakespeare (mostly Hamlet and Much Ado About Nothing) at the most appropriate times.
He speaks New Testament Greek to me and knows exactly what it means.
He tweaks popular songs to include my name.
He gets these songs stuck in my head.
He put a ring on my finger and could hardly wait to say his vows.
He’s made an adjective of my name: “kirsteny”.
He whispered to me at the altar on our wedding day: “I want to be one with you.”
He’s not afraid to cry when something moves him.
He likes to talk to our as-yet unconceived “baby Kirstens” in my belly.
He loves my crazy family.
He’s really, really cute.
He can put together Ikea furniture without losing his sanity.
He has saved me from a slobbering, nasty drunk guy.
He doesn’t run away when I cry.
He’s the safest person I know.
He gets the mail.
He is the man of God’s dreams for me.
He left a place of familiarity to move to a place he had never been to marry me.
He is loving, even toward people he doesn’t know.
He refuses to compromise.
While his intensity can overwhelm me at times, I know I can trust that it’s aimed at knowing and living in truth and the highest possible earthly good.
He catches my tears.
I am his, and he is mine.

Happy Birthday, James!! I love you


  1. Fantastic tribute!! How blessed you both are to have each other.

  2. I love this idea! What a wonderful way to honor your sweet hubby. Thanks for writing.

  3. So much love . . . I love how you love him.

  4. The way you love each other makes me smile :-)

  5. Sniff. Wipe tear. Blow nose. Smile. Swoon.

  6. Awesome! Your relationship is truly inspiring!

    Nitpick: is it possible that the little Kirstens [and possibly even little Jameses] are in James' loins as of yet?

    See: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Heb%20%207:6-10&version=NASB

  7. Happy birthday, James! Sorry I'm getting here a little late. I'll echo everyone else and say it's so sweet to see the way you two love each other. I found myself going, "Awwww!" to this post. :)
