09 June 2008

love-joy-squeal fest

As if it weren't lavish & glorious enough that Christianne is coming to see me, this gorgeous girl is coming too. At the same time!!

You should see the pinch marks!! Not sure what God is up to here, but whatever it is, I can tell you two things: it is very good, and it humbles the heck out of me.

I'm with you, Sarah: I think I must be dreaming.


  1. If I squealed any more, someone'd go looking for the pink, pudgy critter making all the noise ;)

    I'm so excited...may God bless each of us in all of this.

    I still feel like I'm dreaming.

  2. I just had an image of the three of you squealing and jumping up and down when you first see each other! I said it on Sarah's blog and I'll say it again...YAAAYYYYY! (I'm not saying YEEHAW again though : )

  3. hooray!!! i can't get over the hoorays today about this. and i don't want to! :)

    dude, it's so cute that you cropped up that picture of me and sarah from my blog. perfect!

    this is going to be incredible. i don't even know how to take it all in. i don't think it's really, fully hit me yet. but that image chloe gave right there about the three of us jumping up and down? yeah. that made it feel just a little more real. :)

    I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!

  4. you girls are just cute!

    have a good time!

  5. sarah - i'm totally with you!! i was in the "serenity room" at work when i read your e-mail which (as the name denotes) is a decidedly quiet & serene place. i had to leave to let all those bubbles escape.

    aahhhhh!!! i can't believe you're coming. so beyond thrilled ... ;o)

    chloe - you're so cute!! maybe one day you can be there when the squeal fest is going on!! and thanks for your YAAAYYYYY!!

    christianne - i can't get over this either. i can't believe that BOTH you AND sarah are coming to see me.

    i can't believe i get to see you both. like i said, this humbles the heck out of me. you both do me so much honor in coming.

    and thanks for letting me borrow the pic (even though i didn't really ask) ... it was just too perfect!!

    nancy - thanks!! it's going to be a good time with these girls, that's for sure!! ;o)

  6. O.K., now the jealousy sets in.

    You guys are a great two-some, as a trio you complete the trifecta...

    God help us all! (lol)

  7. Really nice. Really, really nice. (I guess that's my version of a squeal. ;-)

  8. Ha ha
    "Love-joy squeal fest." That is funny. I will probably hear the squeals all the way in Tn. Being that i am so omniscient i foresee a pajama party in the works. Yall pray for us ya hear.

  9. Lucky you to have friends coming to visit you - I'm excited for you!
