20 July 2010

kansas :: one

There are so many things I have to say about Kansas. I could bellyache for a little bit about being pregnant in all that heat and humidity (which I knew to expect, and which is why the good people who live there have air conditioning), but that's really not what I'm going to remember.

I will remember love and family hugs and seeing where he said he would do anything for me. I remember seeing his mom's paintings and the movie theater his grandparents ran and standing in the spot with him where he said, "So when do you want to get married?" I will remember meeting up with friends and laughing with them and seeing where he was walking the night we spent hours on the phone and his hand turned into a popsicle.

I will remember falling in love with him even more.

I have so many photos to show you. I've processed many of them, but have many more to go. Please let me share just a few of the 1800 or so that we took, since (as the saying goes) a picture is worth a thousand words.

 Thomas enjoys his watermelon

 Cole displays some seriously cool moves off the diving board

Sweet Emily

An old baby doll buggy in the shed at James' grandma's house

On the highway :: Bushton, KS

An apricot tree in James' grandma's yard

Abandoned service station in Holyrood, KS 

Close-up of Mary statue in James' grandma's backyard grotto

A burst of yellow! No trip to Kansas would be complete without it

More to come soon ...


  1. So beautiful. So much fullness. Isn't is amazing how seeing where someone is from helps you love them more? We're visiting Dave's home this week and I think I love him more every time we come.

  2. So beautiful...I'm short of words. Came over from your tweet on the HighCallingBlogs Twitter List.

  3. These are absolutely gorgeous photos. So beautiful!

  4. Gorgeous photos, my friend. I love the way you see things through your lens.

    And it's sweet to hear that you got to visit the places that marked your courtship. I can imagine how meaningful that would be for both of you.


  5. you are one gifted artist. so amazing. thanks for sharing these images with us...

  6. You are an amazing photographer! I especially love the shot of the baby carriage.

  7. you make kansas look goooooood, girl! ;)
